A selection of SFH Refugee Day posters from the last years.
Animated videos for social media dive deeper into the topic.
The pandemic of 2020 hit right before the launch of an almost finished campaign, which under the new circumstances didn't work anymore. Instead we switched our focus on a call for general solidarity for people trapped in refugee camps during the global standstill. We based it on a simple modular logo and a character system we used in videos, social media and printed flyers.
Solidarität kennt keine Grenzen. The heart character springs into action.
In 2018 I teamed up with my studiomate, filmmaker Stephan Hermann to develop regular yearly of campaigns for the national Refugee Day, an event that takes place all over Switzerland. It is organized by the Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe, one of our biggest NGOs in this field.
Consisting of filmed content, interviews, animated videos and accompanying Posters, every campaign focuses on a different aspect of refugee life in Switzerland.