6. What else?
Well, lots. Like this custom set of playing cards here. But you might get tired of scrolling, so I'll split this post up.
1. Character development
The characters are designed to depict all human motion accurately. They are easy to adapt and animate, and replicable even by a non-illustrator.
2. Character Toolbox
Together wit the J+S graphic design team we created a Lego-like toolbox, serving as a drag & drop system to create custom characters. The elements are also optimized for for animation, so they can be passed on to animators without much prep work.
3. Manual infographics
Each sport gets its own bespoke education manual with a specific set of illustrations and infographics.
4. Other infographics
Apart from the manuals there are other publications that require more, slightly simpler infographics.
5. Illustrations.
Of course, I couldn't avoid drawing some ridiculously busy illustrations. The bike tour is a firm favourite of mine.
6. What else?
Well, lots. Like this custom set of playing cards here. But you might get tired of scrolling, so I'll split this post up.
Bye for now!
If you want to see more of the project, check out the and the Baspo Icon System or the Education Videos.
For a couple of years now I've been working part time at the Swiss Federal Sports Agency helping to revamp all their sports education manuals for their youth programme, Jugend+Sport.
Focusing at first on character design I developed simple figurines that work well for showing different kinds of movements, are easy to animate and, with proper instructions, can be adapted or recreated by their own graphic designers.
Based on that followed a whole illustration system covering icons, infographics, mood illustrations and educational videos.
Jugend+Sport is responsible for the educative material for over 90 types of sports, some of which I've never heard of before. Every one needs a manual, so I get to peek into each of them. The strangest thing I've encontered so far? There are absolutely no colored skates in ice hockey. I found out when I tried to draw red ones and they laughed at me.
Ok. enjoy!